ABN: 62 646 019 605
Marlborough QLD 4705
Q: Can I pay my invoice with Direct Deposit if I chose to pay by cheque?
A: Yes. Once logged on, go to the INVOICES tab down the side and the bank details for the committee are listed there.
Q: I've transferred money for my nominations via my internet banking but they are still showing as unpaid. Why?
A: As nomination payments go directly to the committees, each treasurer periodically checks their organisation's bank account for payment. It's not an automatic process and could take up to 5 days for acknowledgement.
Q: How do I change a rider for a horse that is not part of my family group?
A: Only ourselves or the secretaries of the drafts can change a rider and only after the nomination has been fully paid. Contact us using the form to the right to do so.
Q: Again, I'm on a Wait list. How can that happen when I was on right at opening time?
A: Unfortunately, its the high demand for people wanting to go campdrafting. At times, there are simply too many people and not enough cattle, sunlight and nominations to accommodate everybody.
Q: Why have I got some horse in and some on the wait list?
A: Events might have filled up before you got them in. In most cases, secretaries have the ability to take those wait list nominations and it usually happens within the next few days (if not sooner)
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